Keyword Research
Keyword Research has two major purposes. First is to discover the keywords that apply to website's products, services and content. The second is to determine which of the keyword phrases would provide the best ROI for the website by researching the keywords' competitive nature for both PPC and SEO purposes.
Keyword Research Saves Lives
Okay, so maybe it doesn't save peoples lives, but it can save a lot of time of your life. Do it right the first time, is a good motto to go by, and when it comes to websites that don't do keyword research to plan out their SEO and PPC campaigns they will be doing a lot of rework and using weak cyber patches to make things better.
Keyword research should be the very first thing done when planning a website, sadly many web design or web development firms don't incorporate this principle. Before a domain name is chosen, file structures created and even content planned for the site keyword research should be done and can have a huge impact if implemented in these phases.
Superior Keyword Research
At Superior Design, we start with keyword research which in many cases takes our clients efforts in new direction towards online opportunities that are not being taken advantaged of. Not only does our in-house tools help us to determine a long list of keywords that apply directly with your business, we are able to determine which keywords that will help provide the greatest ROI for PPC and SEO efforts for your business. Contact us now to receive a free keyword research analysis.