Competitor Analysis
Competitor Analysis is Key
Half the battle with taking advantage of the internet for your business is finding out what your online audience finds products and services in your industry and how they expect to be treated online. It takes some webmasters years to figure out how to offer there products and services online. Having competition in your particular industry is a good thing for two reasons.
First this usually proves that there is a good preexisting market that are searching for products and services similar to what you offer.
The other reason why it is beneficial finding competition online is that you can save a lot of time and money by researching your competitors websites to find out what they are doing that works, what can be improved on and establish a niche that separates you from your competition.
Our Superior Method for Competitor Analysis
Before discovering the online niche that your website should take, we analyze some very important areas of your competitors websites. Not only do we record data on products and services and content that your competitors provide but we also use our tools to determine search terms that they are or trying to rank for in the search engines and find out where and how much your competitors are spending on internet advertising.
Although many web firms cut corners or just don't include competitor analysis as part of there planning, we have competitor analysis (like other forms of market research) saves a lot of time and money for our clients.